FEAR is your greatest enemy in sales.
The FEAR of FEAR is something I talk about a lot in my client sessions.
Salespeople FEAR to discuss customers and prospects FEARs. But there is a breakthrough.
And it is simple. But it requires that salespeople face FEARS head on. No side stepping allowed.
Here is the key point. What you leave unsaid. Does NOT go away.
For example, If you are in a sales meeting and you uncomfortable. You have this sense (you read your customer’s body language). Something isn’t right. They closed down when you discussed price.
Decision Time
Do you FEAR the FEAR? Or do you say something like “Ronan, I got a sense that you are a little concerned with the price I quoted you. Do you have a question for me”?
You want to know. And you want to know NOW. Because, after you leave, that FEAR grows. The seed of doubt is sown. Or should I say “weed of doubt”?
Ever wonder why so many of those conversations lead to a dead end? You didn’t uncover the FEARS, and your FEAR hijacked you.
The Solution
Write down every FEAR your customer or prospect has about buying your product or service. I will help you get started with some common prospect fears.
The Fear Of Being Sold To;
Like it or not. Salespeople have a poor stereotype. You’ve met them. They are pushy. Aggressive. They don’t listen. They are inattentive. And their only agenda is the sale. This stereotype creates bias. A bias that salespeople are not to be trusted.
So, buyers don’t trust salespeople. They are fearful. It is worse if they don’t know you. Uncertainty is a primal response and often results in the fight, flight or freeze” state, you encounter.
So a buyer’s typical response is distrust. It is a hard-wired response.
And you can deal with it if you approach prospects in the right way.
There are many ways you can build trust with your prospects in advance of any face to face interventions.
– A user-friendly website
– A friendly non-intrusive approach
– Provide testimonials
– Well scripted calls (yes the emphasis is on scripted. Clear and engaging)
– A strong social media presence
The key is, put prospects at ease. Your goal is to engage and help them. Not to sell. That will come later.
You want a win/win, not a quick sale. You want this to work for both parties. You want a meaningful relationship. Preparation is the key to success here.
Don’t leave anything to chance. Know what you want to say. And pay particular attention to how you say it.
Remember rapport happens in seconds. You have very little time to impress.
In sales meeting, gains must outweigh potential losses by two to three times. So focus on getting your customer to saying yes, regularly.
Key Takeaways
If you know (and you should) that buyers don’t trust sellers. You should prepare for it. Your initial focus is to do everything possible to undermine their biases. Show them you are not a stereotype. Show them you care.
Fear of not having enough information;
When you don’t have enough information, you won’t buy. You need to be able to provide your prospect with the information they need. In the format they need it, to understand better.
When they request more information. Take it as a positive. You need to be able to deal with this easily and check that your answer handled their concerns in full.
Key Takeaways
Prepare well. Ensure that you have the right information. You can reduce FEAR. Remember to ask how they would like their information. For example, visually or in detail.
Uncertainty impacts behaviour. Read this article on SCARF.
You create uncertainty with a lack of evidence or proof that your product or service can provide a solution.
Saying you can be trusted, doesn’t mean your prospect will believe it. You’ll need to demonstrate you can be trusted.
Focus on client success stories. Show testimonials, case studies and facts and figures that support your stories.
Key Takeaways
Always ask for feedback. Ensure your prospect is happy to proceed to the next step before you move forward. Paraphrase your understanding regularly. Probe for doubts.
Fear of making a poor decision
It is a big fear. Everyone has made poor decisions. You too have been burned. It makes it inevitable that your prospects fear mistakes.
It is an emotional response ( all fears are). But you’ll need to deal with it sensitively. Do this by dealing with the facts.
Show the prospect how you can improve their business. Use hard evidence and proof. Preparation is key. Your ability to demonstrate a track record of successful execution is critical to your success in overcoming this fear.
Key Takeaways
You know that fear of mistake impacts buyer behaviour. You must assume they have made mistakes. And that it will affect how they make decisions. Always face your FEAR of discussing tough subjects. Your ability to discuss what is often “unspoken” will determine your successes.
Lack of experience
Experience reduces or eliminates fears. A lack of experience with your products or services or a new process can result in significant fears for a prospect.
For example, if a prospect has no experience of using a CRM system. Their fear of change could be so powerful it could prevent them from moving forward.
The consultative approach to overcoming these fears works best. Working in partnership, you embrace this fear and show them an approach or solution that can eliminate their fears. Your experience will be critical in helping them move forward.
Key Takeaways
With buyers who lack the experience of your product or service. Focus on providing advice and guidance. Avoid assuming they know.
What fears do your prospects have about your product or service?
How will you overcome their fears?
Regards Ronan
Ronan is the “Sales Infrastructure Guy”.
Helping high growth tech companies build world-class sales systems and processes that scale.
Call me on +353(86) 7732201
Ronan Kilroy | Insthinktive Sales Leadership Ltd. | Blanchardstown, | Dublin 15, | Office 01 8220523
More Sales, More Consistently, In Less Time