As a Sales Leader you are constantly striving to get the best out of your team and yourself. But do you really have any “Superpowers”? Really?
This is a relatively new term to me and maybe because it’s origins are from US based organisations and I’m just a repressed Irish cynic, it makes me a little uncomfortable.
When I read the job descriptions for sales people these days some of them read like nobody from this planet could fill these positions. Organisations are no longer looking for sales people, they want rock stars.. They want sales people with Superpowers.
Here is my challenge. I have never met anyonewith Superpowers. I’m pretty sure I don’t have any. Am I mixing in the wrong circles? Am I deficient in some way? Or are we creating levels of expectations that are simply unrealistic?
When I put on my COACH hat what I see everyday are people who have unrealistic expectations of what they think they should/could be. They fail to recognise their innate talents and strengths (not superpowers). These expectations actually serve as a barrier for many of them. They don’t motivate them, they don’t empower them. They stifle them. They hold them back.
When we look for people with “Superpowers” are we sending out the wrong message? Are we creating expectations that sales people simply can’t live up to?
Yes we want people to develop strengths and be the best that they can be in their sales roles.
Yes we want top performers.
Yes we want winners.
But do you need Superpowers to achieve any of these goals. Do you need to be a Rock Star?
Or can you be normal and develop into a top performer with a great team, coach and sales process?
For me the answer is yes, yes and yes. Lionel Messi may indeed have a Superpower, (however I suspect it his relentless practice and discipline that have contributed more to his success than his “Superpower”).
Ask Roy Keane if he has a “Superpower” I suspect he might laugh at you.
Let’s not strive for Superpowers. Let’s strive for something a little more meaningful. Be great, be real, be you.
Best regards;
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