So, how do you help buyers get SERIOUS? The short answer is that it must address what is important to them, NOT YOU. You need to be clear on what is...
Sales Leadership Blog
When you are selling to a prospect with an outdated map you experience Mis-Mapping. Your map of the potential solution to their problems is different...
When Selling Why Ask Questions? Asking questions shifts the conversation away from selling to facilitation. Asking questions creates space to think...
Here is some science behind high-trust conversations. You will have learned in previous blogs about the importance of Rapport Building in selling...
Let's start by saying that saying it is "Your Sales Process" is an oxymoron. Why? Because you don't own the process. You shouldn't design a process...
To create Sales Leadership Goals with IMPACT. You must ensure they are inspiring, measurable, possible, actionable, clear and timebound. Here is how...
One of the 5P's of Preparation in our PRESENT SOS is PROFILE. In fact, it is the first step. And it is first because it is the first step in...
Yes, you sell impact. It is essential that your customer sees that their is an impact. But, remember there is ROI and RO Why. The former we read...
Here is a useful tip for you when you are in selling conversations. Use 3 Pronged Questions. Ask how will this affect you, your team and your...
In sales, a key determinant of your success is knowing what your customer actually wants or needs. Sounds, obvious, but do you always know what 10...