Insthinktive Influencing
Always Ask For Referrals
When you start with a new client, set up the expectation that you?l ask by simply saying ?
Mr. Client after 12 weeks of working with you I plan to sit and review how we are looking after you and get your feedback. And subject to everything going to plan I intend to ask you for any help you can give me in referring us to a colleague, or someone you believe could also bene?t from our service? Is that ok with you?
They won? remember, but you have the agreement to ask again. And ask you will. And ask regularly. Remember you’se just asking. This is not high pressure sales. These clients want to help you. They are happy with your service and believe me most of them will want to reciprocate.
Think through the timing that is most appropriate for your business, but in the main if your approach is right you can ask at the beginning and throughout your work with any client.
Always ask at the end of projects. You can do an evaluation of the project and ?nalise with asking for referrals.
You can also use the following ways
– When you make cold calls, and get a NO. You can always say ?hank you for taking my call, and I understand that we’se not a good ?t for you now. I wonder if you could think of any transport company who you believe would bene?t from a 10% reduction in their fuel costs? It can? do any harm and it may just generate extra referrals.
– Put requests for referrals on all of your customer engagement forms like, order forms, delivery dockets, emails newsletters etc.
How To Ask For Referrals,
Just like your elevator speech or your presentation you should have a simple and effective script. And remember the simple additional tip I outlined earlier give the client time.
Try these;
?ohn, can you think of two people in your industry who you believe could bene?t from a
10% reduction in their fuel costs?
?ohn can you think of another accountant like yourself who you believe could bene?t
from an accounts package that could reduce their administration costs by 20%?
?ohn if you know someone else who could bene?t from our services, just as you have, I?
appreciate you calling me on this number …… to let me know”
Here’s A tip
In the majority of cases do the following. As you are asking for a referral, hand John a simple sheet with a request for details. Name, contact details etc. Then ask to go to the bathroom? Why? Because by doing so, you?l give John the opportunity to think. Sometimes people simply need some space to think, in order to come up with a name. And being present can assert an unwanted pressure. Leave for a few minutes and just give them time to ?ll the form out.
Create Referral Momentum
-Make it easy for clients to make referrals by giving them information to make it clear what you want.
-Be clear about who and what you want
-Give clients or customers incentives to refer you. Sky offer a cash incentive if you refer them to a friend.
-Leave business cards with clients and prospects and just ask for them to give them to potential clients.
-Be clear from the outset that you value referrals. And that they are your key marketing strategy.
-If you want your Strategic Alliances to work, then give to receive. Refer them and they?l reciprocate.
-Have a simple process of follow up to thank those who do refer you. A thank you can go along way.
-Create a list of those you get referrals and keep in regular contact.
-I worked with a Personal Trainer who had a very successful referral programme and offered FREE sessions to those that referred him.
– Networking for referrals. I? a little on the fence on this one. There are groups out there, but if their sole purpose is to generate referrals, the values can be compromised.
It’s not just about the referral. It’s about long term relationship building and the quick ?x is an approach I struggle with. Be selective, and you?l ?nd the right balance
– Cross promotions, can be very powerful. Having a strategic alliance partner agree to send out a letter to their own clients recommending your product or service. Having links on your website that do the same can be very effective in growing referrals.
Key Takeaways
– Referrals are the most powerful and easiest way to get more clients
– Create a referral strategy in your business. And embed the culture of asking happy clients for referrals
– Create a simple referral script for everyone to use, and make it easy for others to refer you
Simple, but not easy…..
Next session; Leveragingpricingin sales

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