Sales Consultancy. Sales Training. Sales Coaching.
Sales Consultancy
If you work with a high-growth technology, engineering and distribution companies in Ireland.
- You want to scale sales.
- You want to grow more profitable sales.
- You want to build the sales systems and processes that make scaling sales more predictable and sustainable.
Stage One – Our 5 P’s Model

We help you using our 5p’s methodology
- PROFILE – Define and profile your Sweet Spot Client. If you lack clarity on your Sweet Spot Client, you fill your sales pipeline with less profitable sales opportunities. We can help you get clear on the most profitable, most strategic and greatest potential prospects and clients.
- PLAN – Clarify your sales strategy and your sales plan. You have a business strategy, but is your sales strategy in line? Do your sales team focus on the business priorities? We can help you define the right sales strategy. And then assist you in building a sales plan.
- PROSPECT – Do your sales team have a structured prospecting plan for new sales opportunities. We will help you create the right sales prospecting plan. We look at the sales roles involved, account management, inbound sales and field-based sales. Then we create sales prospecting plans that are a fit for the role.
- PITCH – Create a Value Proposition that will get you attention in a crowded marketplace. If your team are not equipped with a compelling sales proposition, how do they get your prospect’s attention? We will help you build a compelling sales story, using our Show Storyboard methodology. And we will help you create a sales content library with sales tools.
- PROCESS – Define and implement a dynamic Sales Process and Sales Pipeline Management Process. We can help you build a repeatable Sales Process and Sales Pipeline Management Process. We have a unique approach to help you clarify in detail every step of the buying process. Then you can build a Dynamic Sales Process that generates More Profitable Sales. More Sustainably. In Less Time. We can also help you set up your CRM system to reflect your Sales Process.
Stage Two – Sales Training

We help you create your 100% customises Sales Operating System (SOS). We use our proprietary PRESENT SOS process to create a fully customised and tailored sales playbook for your organisation.
Working with you and your sales team in highly interactive group training workshops. We will co-create a fully customised sales playbook.
What makes our approach unique is that we will help you design and co-create all
- Sales Tools
- Sales scripts
- Sales presentations
- Sales Emails
- How to handle sales objections
- Sales closing techniques
We have a complete system with all tools. And a curriculum. But you end up with a Sales Operating System designed for YOU and YOUR Business.
Stage Three – COACH (with SalesCOACH)

We will help you develop the complete sales performance management system. We teach you how to become the “Coaches Coach”. We give you the complete system for managing and evaluating sales performance.
You can augment your Sales Manager and Sales Leadership skills with our SalesCOACH programme.
It covers
- The Art of Sales Leadership Coaching Conversations. Moving from a directive leadership style to a coaching style. It tranforms engagement.
- The Sales Managers Toolbox. Every tool you will need as a sales manager or sales leader to lead your team effectively. Including our Sales Managers Calendar. The Sales Managers Sales Clarity On A Page Tool. The PRESENT Sales skills assessment tools. (Click Here for Access to Some FREE Sales Management tools).
- How to run your Weekly Sales Reviews
- Everything a sales manager needs to embed world-class sales performance habits.
THE RESULT? More Profitable Sales. More Sustainably. In Less Time.

Download Sales Pipeline Management Made Easy HERE
Visit our Sales Coaching and Training page to find out more.
When you work with us you can expect:
- More profitable sales
- Higher sales conversion rates
- Huge time and resource savings
- Greater team coordination and communication
- More accurate sales forecasting
- Greater average revenues per sale
- Shorter lead times
Build your Sales Infrastructure for future sales growth today.
Why not talk to Ronan directly on 086 7732201