Insthinktive Influencing
You need to understand how prospects’ buy.
There are numerous research studies that highlight just how important the internet isnow in making purchasing decisions. And this will accelerate as we have a generation offuture buyers whose main reference point is the internet.
In fact research by Thomas Net and SVM reported that
?3% of prospects are on the Internet to make buying decisions
?1% of prospects will seek out an alternative company if they cannot ?nd theinformation they are looking for
If you can? be found using the keywords they search for you won? get contacted. Simpleas that. Your reputation in the offline world matters for nothing in the online community.
And you need to have a compelling message to be found. Literally thousands ofprospects are out there looking for their problems to be solved, in the most convenientway for them to ?nd solutions. The internet.
Get Your Prospect’s Attention
However you intend to invest your marketing spend, be it press, online, social media,radio or SEO, you?l need to grab attention. And youWe only 8 seconds to do so. Wow, alittle scary but it doesn? have to be. It just requires you to craft your message. And we
emphasise the word craft. Don? rush headlong in to it. Deliberate, and keep it simple andclear.
Remember the customer’s Why.
As someone who has to wear a hearing aid I was struck when I went looking for help. There was a lack of compelling messages that grabbed my attention.. At the time I was using the Golden Pages as a reference point (how times have changed). But the principle is the same.
The vast majority of hearing aid suppliers/stores main ?ttention grabber?was their business name!. I mean come on who cares about your business name?
You may have agonised over your brand name for months. You may have invested heavily in getting it to look right. You may be emotionally attached to your brand. But nobody cares about this initially.
Only one business at the time addressed my problem head on they they used a question ?re You Hard Of Hearing?
Simple and effective. And yes I am. Guess who I phoned first?
It’s doesn? have to be complicated
Remember as well that even leads generated from websites aren’t necessarily fromprospects ready to buy now.
As I mentioned earlier we built a business on providing emergency intervention forbusinesses, but we built the relationships over time.
You will get the emergency buyers whose need is immediate. You need to be aware ofthe 7 touches we spoke of earlier.
The initial enquiry may take time to mature to a sale, and you must build the relationshipthrough more information and continuous contact. By continuous I don’t mean pestering.
The objective here is simply not to become ?ut of sight, out of mind? The most effectivesales strategy is the follow up.
You in a sense need to work on driving them to contact you when their time is right. Thisrequires patient intervention.
Your Online results
Do you or your business have a website? And do you know your numbers?
How many visitors do you have?
What do they visit for?
Where do they navigate to ?
How many of these contact you?
How many leads do you generate monthly?
Every business is different but you do need to measure your website’s effectiveness. Youneed to ensure that your prospects are ?nding it easy to make contact with you. You
need an emphasis on the ?all To Action? To capture their information in order that youcan maintain an ongoing relationship through ?he follow up?phase.
Your Call To Action;
So you want to capture prospects details and contact information. Again what’s their
Why?. You need to encourage them to do so.
Personally we offer a FREE coaching session. And we have FREE books on offer to encourage people to download and enjoy. We then create the opportunity to build relationships over time through our ?ollow ups? What is appropriate in your business?
Simple, but not easy…..
Next session; Progressing Your Prospects Through Your Pipeline

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